Friday, July 1, 2011


I just got the beta rules for Warpath, a game being put out by Mantic Games. The game is 40K-ish in a lot of respects. I am not sure how successful the game will be, as I see some holes in the system already.

What I do like is that the game has a number of modifiers for shooting. Cover seems to reduce the chances of being hit, instead of preventing damage. The other thing that I love is the heavy weapons guys can shoot at different targets!

I will have to print out the rules and read them to get a good grasp of how fun the game will be. Might do a test game next week sometime if I can scrounge up the models.

I am doing a happy dance, the majority of my order has shipped! I should have D&D miniatures and WarMachine armies by next Wednesday. Should be a good week!

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