Monday, June 25, 2012

Whispers from the Dark

Yes, it has been a long time since I have posted anything. Life has reared its ugly head and I have not been in the gaming mood or feeling up to doing any sort of miniature work for a long time. Since the last post, I ended my 4th edition D&D campaign, ran a special edition of my 3.5 D&D game for my best friend who is not working in Thailand for the United Nations, and have been working on several novels.

The good news is that I am back to create some awesome miniatures and scenery. I am pretty excited about it. Especially given that 40K 6th Edition is around the corner.

Two things really annoy me at this moment. The first is that there is a lot of angst over the upcoming edition especially over how allies will "ruin" the game. Really guys? We have not seen the fuill rules on allies, but we know the gist. The missing component is what levels of cooperation will allies have for various armies. Sure I can take Sisters of Battle for my sexy Eldar, but I suspect they will be uncooperative allies at best. The nerdrage needs to rest ... until after the book comes out.

Secondly, I am soooo tired of the power gamer theoretical power penis builds which sadly revolve around including allies. My favorite to date is the Killa Kan wall supported by Eldar Farseers. Um, just no. Its great to start thinking outside of the current box, but to do so blindly is kind of premature and a waste of mental energy. For 5 minutes I started to do that, then I went on to watch Piranha 3DD.

One thing that does intrigue me about the ally rules is the ability to make some really interesting counts as armies or some really cool custom armies. I have been toying with the idea of doing a Harlequin army build, which I cannot do under just the Eldar Rules. However, with Dark Eldar allies, it becomes so much easier on my idea of the theme. Also, it opens up a whole world of modeling options.

I have started working on getting my 80's era Eldar Harlequins completely WYSIWYG by custom making some fusion pistols and Harlequin kisses. This was in preparation for a local tournament, but I am not sure I really want to play given that 6th edition drops that day. If I get them done, then great, otherwise I will eagerly devour the new rule set.


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