Thursday, April 21, 2011

Welcome to My World

I got a jar of dirt!

Welcome to my new blog, which is mostly about miniatures, gaming, and the crazy shit that I do. The current plan is to update it twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but it is possible that the schedule will change to more frequently as I get used to posting again.

You may be asking yourself, "What did he mean by again?" This is not my first blog. My other blogs slowly died due to neglect. Such a terrible way for them to go, left out there alone in cyberspace to fend for themselves. Sadly it happens.

A little about me, I started playing Warhammer 40K in 1991. Prior to that the only miniatures game I really played was BattleTech and I barely count that as a miniatures game, much less a game anymore. I played off and on for many years and eventually got burned out by the time third edition came around. I came back two years ago after I had a falling out with my World of Warcraft Guild. I have been enjoying all the fun that the hobby has to offer since then. 

I no longer play World of Warcraft ... I now play Starcraft II. 

I started this blog on the day that I completely finished painting my Eldar Army. Pictures will be coming soon, I need to steal my kids camera. A lot of it is composed of the older models. I think it adds a lot of character to it. There are a few conversions that I did, like my Autarch. I also magnetized all the guns on my vehicles. I can easily see myself adding more units to the army to fill out the ranks more, but for now I am done painting it and will enjoy being able to play with a fully painted force. I

So what is next for me? The current plan is to finish up painting my Ultramarines! Most of them are the older "beakies" models.           

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