Thursday, June 23, 2011

6th Edition Rumors

It was only a matter of time before the rumblings of a new edition of 40K started brewing. Given the recent change in the communication policies of Games Workshop, I believe that a new edition is just around the corner.  My guess is Christmas.

Lets look at some of the rumors.

* Development relied heavily on feedback of veteran playtesters. You can see some results of this new approach by the way the FAQs were handled in the last months. All codexes since Codex Tyranids were written with the new rules in mind, especially the new mission and reserve structure.

That might explain why the Grey Knight Falchions only give an extra 1 attack. My theory is we are going to see a lot of changes to assault that make it less game winning. The biggest one I can see is the removal of extra attacks for having two weapons.

The question then becomes, what makes an assault troops, assault troops? I have no idea. Perhaps they will get a bonus to their attack roll or be the only unit in the game that can fleet.

* strong narrative focus on Chaos, perspective shifting from the Empire to the struggle between free races and the Warp

A narrative focus would be good, 40K doesn't seem to have that anymore.

* Similar ballistic to hit chart as wound chart: compare BS to target’s speed and unit type. BS 3 hits moving infantry on 4+, but lightning fast jetbikes on 6+ and stationary tank on 2+… HUGE

This would be entertaining. Though now we will need movement markers for the units. I am a fan of markers so I am good with this.

* Victory points are back, but with another twist: you get two victory points if an unit holds an objective for an entire game turn, if a scoring unit holds one, you get three and one if you destroy a squad leader or vehicle

Seems like GW wants to do away with last turn sweeping in and taking objectives. I do like that any unit can hold objectives since it means my heavies can sit back on an objective and pour out some grade A bang, bang. It would add a more strategic bent to the game than it has now.

* Before the game there is a bidding contest for the opportunity of the first turn, if you bid more strategic points you can go first, but the enemy can spent these points on stratagems as in Cities of Death: 22 generic stratagems – for example for one point you can decide on night fighting or place an automatic gun, for four you can shift your reserves, most expensive stratagems are at 12 points and are really drastic, every unspent point can be used once a game for a reroll

I am not sure I really like this. It will come down to how interesting the stratagems are. The automatic gun could be interesting, hopefully they will have race specific weapons or a generic weapon. If they are anything like the City of death ones or the Planet Assault ones, then I will not enjoy this change. The stratagems were sometimes vague and either over or under powered. None really felt right to me.

Of course the idea of being able buy re-rolls is one I really like. I cannot begin to count the times I have said, if I could only re-reoll, it would change the course of battle.

The big question on my mind is what happens if nobody puts forth points to get the first turn because they both want to spent all their points on stratagems? How will that work?  

* new turn sequence: prepare-movement-assault-shooting-consolidate
new phase “consolidate” phase for random movements, jetpack movements, pursuits, morale checks/effects and resolving shooting reactions
assault before shooting – big units are real roadblocks!

I love the idea of having a "prepare" phase. I have often argued that 40K needs a Babylon 5 wars style turn outline to show what order things are supposed to go in. A prepare phase will solve a lot of disagreements as to when some powers can be cast with units coming from reserves.

The assault before shooting would be an interesting change. It would move the meta away from many small elite units to the realm of full squads again. It would also make arming the assault squad with anti-infantry weapons pointless for the most part. I find this one a little hard to believe, unless there will be something else at play, such as assaults do not last longer than the single assault phase.

*Heroic characters:
- independent characters more powerful, armour save and invulnerable save at the same time
- squad leaders more important, no more 50% rallying threshold, unit can rally as long as squad leader lives
- independent characters can snipe

I love the idea that squad leaders will allow the squad to rally. Too often I watch my eldar run off the table with an autarch attached to the squad. Having them being allowed to rally would be a great thing.

*More visceral combat:
- standard cover only 5+ now, Feel No Pain (1) only on 5+
- slow slogging units very vulnerable
- some weapon types are specialized in taking out specific unit types and are incredible good at doing this (sniper vs. infantry without armour), but on the other hand ordnance vs flyer isn’t going to do much

Yay for the reduction of cover saves! The game really was becoming less and less about the armor penetration of your guns due to the abundance of cover. I imagine stealth units and going to ground will still be in the game which will bring that cover save back up to 3+ for a few select units. That is a lot better than the 2+ cover save monkeys that currently prowl some game tables.

The idea that some weapons will be better at taking down specific unit types is another good change.

- no more random movement at all
- 5 general types of psychic powers
- wound allocation like 4th edition on unit basis, but attacker can chose every 5th wound to go to a single model (sniper weapon every second wound)
- artillery is normal immobile vehicle squadron, crew has no other game purpose than to be a counter for rate of fire and attacks

I always worry when a game touts it is being streamlined. That typically means it is losing some flavor or some complicated rule set that made it fun and interesting. I will not cry with the loss of random movement. I hated it, mostly because my harlequins would roll a 2 for their run speed.

I cannot recall how would allocation worked in 4th edition, (as that was when I had stopped playing) but I do vaguely recall some complaints that you could use template weapons to pick off specific models. I suspect there will be no real wound allocation, it will just be roll to see how many wounds you can save against. The targeted wounds will be rolled for first.

5 general types of psychic powers? That sounds like they are going to define them something along the lines of shooting, buffing, debuffing, template and utility.  

* terrain rules on a single page, true line of sight, non-vehicles models are ignored altogether, rules for special terrain like bunkers, ruins or deathworld mangroves in narrative rule section

This sounds like the idea of having ground troops screen for your tanks is also gone. I love the idea of having a rules for terrain on one page. Currently they are scattered through out the book, well at least the way a model interacts with terrain. I would love to see something along the lines of more rules instead of just a cover save.

* More elaborate reserve rules, can nominate turn of arrvial and has only small change to arrive earlier or later, or can intervene behind enemy lines, arrives randomly but can hinder enemy reserves, must be distributed evenly between turn two and three, later arrivals only randomly

This would be awesome, something me and my 40K group has talked about for sometime. The idea that reserves could be more reliable would be great. It would prevent someone from getting hosed if their reserves do not come in until turn 4 or 5.

I used to be that eldar player that reserved everything. Then I realized when I do that it really cuts down on my fire power. It is better to just start with most of your army on the table and focus down units. My win ration has doubled since I started using that tactic.

*no more random game length
*no roll for first turn

Love it!

*deep striking units more than 18” from enemy away don’t scatter, but landing in 6” is much more dangerous

This would speed the game up, and might make swooping hawks viable again.

* movement impairing effects from pinning weapons even if morale check is passed (if roll is above halved Ld), Fearless not immune to this, but only effected if rolled over full Ld

This would make pinning weapons useful again. As it stands now, there is little point in taking them except to try and kill monstrous creatures. Sniper weapons should be true infantry killers. Tactical squads should run in fear of them. Currently it is the opposite.

*more reactions to shooting than going to the ground depending on unit type and special rules. bikes can evade (3+ cover as same as before, but cannot assault or shoot next turn), jump troops can fly high, units with Stealth can attempt to vanish, …

This would be all sorts of cool!

My gut reaction is that Games Workshop wants to stream line the game because we will be putting even more models on the table with 6th edition. As a business they want us to buy more toy soldiers and field them. I cannot say I blame them. I would love to play a game where I can field even more eldar or marines.

It also sounds like they may be gearing the game towards competitive play by taking out the randomness that can kill you before the game really begins.

Only time will tell.

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