Wednesday, June 1, 2011

WIP - D&D Party (Day Three)

I have come to the sad conclusion that my eye-sight is beginning to get a lot worse. I had a lot of trouble today focusing to see the detail on some of the miniatures. I suspect this will be fixed when I get contacts in the next few weeks, since I am long overdue for a new prescription. I am still churning out quality table-top work, but I know I can do much better.

At any rate here is my progress for today;

Auriel (Cleric)       - COMPLETED
Bhesh (Sorcerer)   - 90% done, base completed
Joeseph (Fighter)   - 99% done
Ketheryn (Bard)    - Primed
Leyr Joir (Wizard) - 50% done
Leyr Joir (Dog)      - Primed
Mathias (Fighter)   - COMPLETED
Perrin (Rogue)       - 10% done
Rhagan (Fighter)    - 95% done 

Ferox (Enemy)      - Primed 
Hakkar (Enemy)   - Cleaned, ready to be Primed 
Labros (Enemy)    - Primed 
Lupa (Enemy)       - Primed 
Thoos (Enemy)     - Primed    

I really only have one day of work to get eight and half miniatures done. It is possible, but only if I focus on it. Tonight I got really exited about the direction that the Auriel miniature went. I think what really did it was I realized I could make the miniature similar to the anime-image the character was based on. Then I added in a sailor moon theme and the rest is history.  

I came up with a new idea for the bases on these miniatures. I cannot wait to talk about it and show some pictures provided it is successful. If this works it opens up a whole lot of possibilities for future work.  

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