Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ack Price Increase Incoming

So this weekend is the Rapture as proclaimed by some religious old guy. If you are not familiar with the concept, go Wikipedia it. My plans this weekend are to game and possibly go looting!

The big announcement from Games Workshop this week is that they are going to resin instead of metal. This comes along with the annual price increase. I have mixed feelings about it. Nobody likes it when their hobby increases in cost, but in some ways I think resin will be easier to work with. For one resin holds more detail. I also think that resin is lighter in terms of weight.

On the other hand it can also be more fragile when it comes to weapons like swords, spears or bows. You also must be careful when sanding resin since the dust is toxic. I am not looking forward to wearing my workshop mask to do clean up work.

Interestingly enough there has been no mention of new Eldar Wraith Guard, or them becoming resin. God willing there will be a plastic box set coming soon for them.

Course, I do not think the price increase has anything to do with the new resin miniatures. After all, Games Workshop likes to increase their prices every year or so. I have already cut back on what new items I buy, mostly because my extra funds are limited at the moment. Though, that is fine as I have several thousand other miniatures to paint! Might want to get them done first before starting a new army.

I think that is really the lesson here. It is better to focus on one army, than dabble in a dozen. I wish more people would play smaller point games. That would allow others to dabble in different armies. When the local 40K club was going strong we used to play 1250 to 1500 point games. That was a lot of fun as it allowed some of us to get armies painted for the gaming. Others would show up with unfinished models, substitutions  and paper bases. ::sigh::

Smaller games allowed me to effectively get back into the game without spending a lot of cash upfront. Though in the end I did end up dropping about 300 bucks to round out my Eldar army with tanks, more troops and walkers. Now I have a fair amount of choices of what I want to field. Eventually I will spend another $275 to finish rounding out my Eldar army even more and fully mechanizing it.

Though there is an extreme of focusing on just one army. You sometimes become that guy who has over 10,000 points of forces that you will probably never get to field at once. Kudos to you if you have it all painted, but in my experience I rarely see that. I mean are you really going to play Apocalypse that often to get that much use out of your collection? I don't see it.

Though, it is nice to have different options of what you want to field. I have toyed with the idea of adding 6 bike squads to my space marines so that I can field an entire bike army. That is in vogue now. However, I think I would rather spend the money on some awesome Grey Knights or Blood Angels.        

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