Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Cheesecake Burritos

Sunday I went out to the local Mexican place and discovered a new dessert - Cheesecake Burrito! The cheesecake burrito is simple divine! I can not say enough good things about the dessert. Martin will complain because they put whipped cream on it ... like they do to the flan. If you see the item on the dessert menu, give it a try. You will not regret it.  

I realized that this past Sunday was the first of May, despite my thinking otherwise. Yeah, I live in my own time zone - deal with it. I did make some progress on the remaining scenery pieces from RoundCon. All they need now is a good flocking and they are ready for the table. In theory, I might be able to get that done before D&D tonight.

I have started the process on getting my Ultramarine army prepped to paint. I spent all the past weekend laying out my figures and deciding on how I wanted to field my marines. In the end out of seven squads, four of them are the classic Mark 6 "Corvus Armor" and three are Mark 7 type. It should be noted that one is an assault squad. I have enough classic marines to do another squad and a little bit, so I might replace one of the Mark 7 squads down the road. I did not want to initially since I have them already painted and that seems like a waste. Besides, I want to have some extras for the time being in case I need to change weapon load outs. The next step is basing all the marines and then spraying on the primer. That should be done hopefully by the weekend.
I have also started on building some War Machine models for a friend. I cannot wait to get the Retribution of Scyrah suits all assembled, magnetized and painted up. I am seriously thinking of getting into the game since I love aspects of the rule set and the miniatures look great. Plus I feel the urge to make some steam punk scenery!

In my spare time I have been watching "Saving Grace". The series seems to really draw one in and always seems to end of a pseudo cliff hanger. I really like the flow of the show and it is not too preachy. It keeps me company while I work on miniatures. This week I should finish up the series and then move on to something else.

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