Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Progress Report

The month of May is half over and sadly I have made little progress on my painting and modeling projects. With two weeks to go, I think I can get some work done.

What has been taking up my time? T^his week it has been retro gaming with Star Trek: Birth of the Federation. It is so easy to lose hours to that game since it is a classic 4X game and you just want to play one more turn ... every turn.

I did get the miniatures for my D&D party cleaned up and primed. I plan on painting tomorrow. I am pretty happy about the miniatures I found for the group. Now I just need to get them panted and on the table for my p,layers to enjoy. So help me if anyone complains about what I chose to represent them, I will be savagely annoyed since nobody really looked for their own miniature.

In between I will be basing all my marines, so they too can be primed and I can begin painting them. I did finish up some conversion work for my assault squad sergeant.

I am also working on magnetizing a commission piece, along with painting several other miniatures for Warmachine.

I am hoping that these projects do not lapse into June.     

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